Toolkit – Co-creation

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Toolkit – Co-creation

Title Toolkit – Co-creation
Description WeObserve Toolkit includes a wide range of open access tools developed by WeObserve’s partners, i.e. four Citizens Observatories: GROW, SCENT, GroundTruth 2.0 and LANDSENSE. The tools are free resources that new and existing Citizen Science and Citizen Observatory projects can use to assist their activities.

This is a collection of tools to support the co-creation and co-design of a citizen science project or Citizen Observatories

Author(s) WeObserve consortium
Language English
Keywords Citizen Observatories; toolkit; co-creation
Audience Citizens and local communities (those that are already engaged or are interested in setting up a CO); NGOs and activists (civil society); Policy makers – at the local, national and international (EU) level; Research/academia; Similar projects at local and EU level; Networks (e.g. ECSA and COST Action)
Resource-Type Collection
Resource Theme Best practices
Publisher UNIVDUN | H2020 WeObserve project, Grant Agreement no 776740
Publication date
Resource identifier
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