YOU are invited to join an innovative community effort to co-create best practices and new resources for trustworthy data!
Citizen science is home to a wide range of projects differing in topic, purpose, scale, scope, and design. However, all citizen science projects depend on data shared by the volunteers who collect or generate it.
Ensuring trustworthy data is not based solely on technical decisions: it depends on ethical ones too. The CSA community of practitioners will be stronger by addressing challenging issues such as crediting volunteers, providing return of results, balancing volunteer privacy with data openness, and conveying transparency.
When it comes to the question of what data practices are most appropriate, there is no one-size-fits-all answer: context matters. Each project has unique aspects that may require different approaches to how data is collected and managed. Your expertise, experience, and values are important. All members of the citizen science community are more than welcome to participate! View the webinar recording here.
By joining this effort, you will take a proactive role in strengthening the citizen science community, increase your knowledge of trustworthy data practices, and create the tools to help achieve them. You will also have the opportunity to receive a $10 electronic gift card! Read more in the website here.
For questions or concerns about the study, please contact Elizabeth Jones at elizabeth_jones[@] This research is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #1835352. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this research are those of the Research Team and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. This research has been approved by North Carolina State University Institutional Review Board and classified under exempt status. For questions or concerns regarding your rights as a subject in this study, contact the NCSU IRB for Human Participants Administrator at 919-515-4514 or access the website at