Roadshow event No. 3 (Slovenia)
18 November 2020
Date: 18 November 2020
Location: online event
9.30-9.50h Welcome and introduction
9.50-10.10h Slovene experience with flooding and other natural disasters
10.10-10.50h Practical demonstration of a citizen observatory
10.50-11.35h Group work
11.35- 12.20h Plenary discussion
12.20-12.30h Recap and closing of the Roadshow event
The third WeObserve Roadshow event was held together with the cross-border project VISFRIM (Vipava/Vipacco and Other Transboundary River Basins Flood Risk Management), co-financed under the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia Cooperation Program (https://www.ita-slo.eu/visfrim) whose main goal is to improve flood risk management in cross-border river basins by implementing citizen observatories.
This Roadshow event was addressed to local authorities, regional/national policy-makers, scientists and experts that aim to demonstrate the potential and practical implementation of a citizen observatory for flood risk management. This event had a special focus on the Slovenian context and allowed participants to learn about the basic principles of citizen observatories, providing participants with (virtual) hands-on experience of citizen science and citizen observatories and demonstrating how decision-makers are using the information provided by citizens.
Specifically, the Alto Adriatico Water Authority (AAWA) showcased how their citizen observatory effectively helps in the management of the Brenta-Bacchiglione river basin. Based on this experience, participants discussed the potential of citizen observatories in the context of flood risk mitigation and what comes into play when implementing a Citizen Observatory.
Download here the Save-the-date document.
Registration: by invitation only