Roadshow event No. 1 (Vicenza)
7 March 2019
Date: 7 March 2019
Location: Vicenza, Italy (Face-to-Face event)
7.30-7.40h. Welcome and introduction
7.40-8.00h. Overview of the citizen observatory of water (Alto Adriatico Water Authority)
8.00-14.00h. Practical demonstration & hands on experience (on location/in the field)
14.00-15.00h. Lunch
15.00-17.00h. Plenary discussion
17.00-17.10h. Recap and closing of the roadshow event
The first WeObserve Roadshow event was held in Vicenza in collaboration with the beAWARE H2020 project and its Italian pilot. During this one day event, a simulation re-enacting the Vicenza floods of 2010 was performed and a range of relevant tools developed by the BeAware H2020 project were tested as part of the hands-on experience with a citizen observatory.
Almost one hundred people took part in the Roadshow event: local authorities from the municipality of Vicenza and the Veneteo Region; emergency managers, civil protection office representatives, AAWA , Genio Civile, Land Reclamation ConsortiaGenio Civile, Land Reclamation Consortia participants; regional and national policy makers; civil protection volunteer teams and citizens.
This Roadshow event consisted of the outdoor, practical demonstration in the morning, followed by a debriefing session and discussion in the afternoon. Key topics discussed included the cultural background and experience in flood emergency management; feedback on the pilot demonstration and tested technologies; and the role of citizens in similar contexts.