Counting on the World to Act: A Roadmap for Governments to Achieve Modern Data Systems for Sustainable Development

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Counting on the World to Act: A Roadmap for Governments to Achieve Modern Data Systems for Sustainable Development


Title Counting on the World to Act: A Roadmap for Governments to Achieve Modern Data Systems for Sustainable Development
Description The resource lays out suggestions and examples of how the international community and national governments can improve the quality of data and information used to inform policy- and decision-making.
Author(s) Jessica Espey (SDSN TReNDS); Shaida Badiee (ODW); Hayden Dahmm (SDSN TReNDS); Deirdre Appel (ODW); and Lorenz Noe (ODW); William Hoffman (WEF); Virginia Murray (Public Health England); Dilek Fraisl (IIASA); Lisa Bersales (University of the Philippines); Bram Govaerts (CIMMYT)
Language English
Keywords Sustainable Development Goals; indicators; citizen science; governance
Audience Government actors and/or others concerned with evidence in support of sustainable development
Resource-Type Scientific Publication – Text
Resource Theme Best practices
Publisher Sustainable Development Solutions Network Thematic Research Network on Data and Statistics (SDSN TReNDS)
Publication date 7 October 2019
License Open Access
Resource identifier
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