WeObserve Online Cookbook

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WeObserve Online Cookbook

Title WeObserve Online Cookbook
Description The WeObserve Cookbook is designed as a guide to help Citizen Observatory practitioners access existing resources that can help them in setting up and/or running a Citizen Observatory.
Author(s) WeObserve Consortium
Source https://www.weobserve.eu/weobserve-cookbook/
Language English
Keywords Cookbook; Citizen Observatory; best practices; guidance
Audience The WeObserve Cookbook has been especially designed for groups or individuals who are leading or will lead Citizen Observatory projects and initiatives. It provides lessons on best practice and guides users through resources such as tools, scientific papers, training materials and networks.
Resource-Type  Interactive Resource (Website)
Resource Theme Reflections on science
Publisher H2020 WeObserve project, Grant Agreement no 776740
Publication date 30 March 2021
License Open Access
Resource identifier N/A
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