WeObserve toolkits for building champion communities I

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WeObserve toolkits for building champion communities I

Title WeObserve toolkits for building champion communities I
Description As Citizen Observatories expand in use and practice, the demand and creation of tools and toolkits that support the activity of this bourgeoning field follows suit. The emergence of new Citizen Observatories demonstrates the growing interest and needs for a way of working which invites citizens and other key stakeholders to play a key role in community-driven environmental monitoring. With this growth, there is an increasing demand for accessible approaches to support in these endeavours.

The notion of tools and toolkits are terms regularly seen in Citizen Science, and most used as aides to support monitoring protocols and guidelines. As distinctions between Citizen Science and Citizen Observatories are further considered, this report examines the role of tools and toolkits within both fields, and discusses the similarities and differences, and highlights the gaps for tools in Citizen Observation.

Furthermore, the report describes a collaborative process of inquiry which sought to gain insight from experts in various fields on the notion of toolkits in Citizen Observatories. The document recounts several targeted workshops that aimed to discuss the concept of toolkits in Citizen Science and Citizen Observation, and the development of a toolkit survey, which was co-created with the WeObserve Communities of Practice (CoP-Engage).

Author(s) Saskia Coulson, Mel Woods, Nick Taylor (UNIVDUN)
Source https://www.weobserve.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/D3.1-776740-WeObserve-Develop-infrastructure-and-WeObserve-toolkits_v2.0-1.pdf
Language English
Keywords Citizen Observatories; toolkit
Audience Citizens and local communities (those that are already engaged or are interested in setting up a CO); NGOs and activists (civil society); Policy makers – at the local, national and international (EU) level; Research/academia; Similar projects at local and EU level; Networks (e.g. ECSA and COST Action)
Resource-Type Project Deliverable – Text
Resource Theme Reflections on science
Publisher UNIVDUN | H2020 WeObserve project, Grant Agreement no 776740
Publication date 15 January 2020
License Open Access
Resource identifier
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