WeObserve conference session thread

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WeObserve conference session thread

Title WeObserve conference session thread
Description A summary of the WeObserve conference thread embedded within the CS SDG conference in Berlin, 2020, containing session videos, presentations and posters.
Author(s) WeObserve
Source https://www.weobserve.eu/weobserveconference/
Language English
Keywords Citizen Observatories; SDGs; policy; tranformative potential; Sustainable Development; landscape; policy; tools; hackathons; Earth Observation; Open Data Challenge
Audience Citizen Observatories and community based initiatives, citizen science (CS) practitioners, researchers, policy and decision makers, government officials, NSOs, and European Commission officers, including also UN agency representatives and data communities
Resource-Type  Interactive Resource (Website) | Text | Moving Image (Video)
Resource Theme Communication | Event
Publisher H2020 WeObserve (GA 776740)
Publication date 15 October 2020
License Open Access
Resource identifier N/A
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