CitSci Manager source code (initial)

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CitSci Manager source code (initial)

Title CitSci Manager source code (initial)
Description Initial version of the source code of the CitSci Manager ( functionalitites and implementation considerations, one of the winning applications that was created in the context of the WeObserve Open Data Challenge. The tool aims improve accessibility and exploration of citizen-science data.
Author(s) Turam Purty, Kiranmayi KL Chandra, Vignesh Misal, Ashish Anand (Sarjom, CitSci Earth Lab)
Language English
Keywords Open Data Challenge; metadata; citizen-science; data management
Audience CO practitioners and other relevant stakeholders interested to utilise citizen-generated data in the context of downstream applications
Resource-Type Software
Resource Theme Project sustainability
Publisher CitSci Earth Lab | H2020 WeObserve project, Grant Agreement no 776740
Publication date 15 November 2020
License Open Access
Resource identifier
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