The next WeObserveRoadshow event on Citizen Observatories for Flood Management will be held in Miren-Kostanjevica (Cerje Peace Memorial) on 10th March 2020.
This Roadshow event aims to demonstrate the potential and practical implementation of a citizen observatory for flood risk management. It will allow participants to learn about the basic principles of COs, providing participants with hands-on experience of citizen science and citizen observatories and demonstrating how decision-makers are using the information provided by citizens.
Specifically, AAWA – the Alto Adriatico Water Authority responsible for the elaboration of the Flood Risk Management Plan established by the Floods Directive 2007/60/EC for the Eastern Alps River Basin District – will showcase how their Citizen Observatory effectively helps in the management of the Brenta-Bacchiglione river.
Based on this experience, participants can discuss the potential of Citizen Observatories in the context of flood risk mitigation and what comes into play when implementing a Citizen Observatory.
The workshop is organized jointly by WeObserve and the cross-border strategic VISFRIM project(Vipava/Vipacco and Other Transboundary River Basins Flood Risk Management), co-financed under the Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia Cooperation Program (https://www.ita-slo.eu/visfrim).
Find out more about the WeObserve events here.